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Artificial Intelligence in recruitment Recruiting teams should consider the advantages of AI tools that support the sourcing, screening and hiring of candidates in order to create a more efficient talent acquisition process – especially for highly standardized job profiles. Screening resumes and CV’s and identifying talents from a large candidate
Igualdad de género en cargos gerenciales y de alto nivel en México México continúa trabajando arduamente para lograr una mayor igualdad en términos de género en el plano laboral, pero el llamado “Techo de Cristal” continúa siendo un gran obstáculo. De a poco, la sociedad occidental logra derribar distintos estigmas
To headhunt, to be headhunted or TO STAY? The lack of talent and especially top talent in various fields is a reality in all markets. Therefore, my job is to help detect and attract top talent for progressively minded top companies. I love to participate as “the bridge”.  I found
Desafíos para las empresas con la Ley de Outsourcing 2021 en México La nueva Ley de Outsourcing en México supone múltiples cambios tanto para trabajadores como para empleadores. Estas nuevas políticas laborales generan grandes desafíos para las empresas. Las leyes laborales están diseñadas para evitar la explotación y las vulneraciones
Not Another Nine Box Grid Exercise All our clients want us to help them find the “ideal” candidate for their organization but understanding what is ideal or what perfect “fit” really means is easier said than done.  Over the years, as a way to ensure we isolate what fit means
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