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Foro Global Agroalimentario 23 al 24 de Noviembre, 2022 Monterrey, N. L. / Cintermex

Como es de su conocimiento, el Consejo Nacional Agropecuario realizará el Foro Global Agroalimentario 2022 en su 19ª Edición, el cual ha logrado posicionarse como el evento más importante de México y Latinoamérica.

En esta ocasión nuestro evento se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Monterrey, Nuevo León, del 23 y 24 de noviembre con el título “POR UNA SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA, PRODUCTIVA Y SOSTENIBLE”. Se intercambiarán diferentes puntos de vista con reconocidos especialistas a nivel internacional a través de conferencias magistrales y paneles temáticos.

Llevaremos a cabo de manera conjunta con el Gobierno del Estado de Nuevo León, el Consejo Estatal Agropecuario de Nuevo León, La Secretaria de Turismo de Nuevo León  y la Secretaria de Desarrollo Regional y Agropecuario de Nuevo León la Expo AgroNoreste en su primera edición.

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Artificial Intelligence in recruitment

Artificial Intelligence in recruitment

Recruiting teams should consider the advantages of AI tools that support the sourcing, screening and hiring of candidates in order to create a more efficient talent acquisition process – especially for highly standardized job profiles.

Screening resumes and CV’s and identifying talents from a large candidate pool is one of the main challenges of recruiters and HR professionals. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of using AI tools in recruitment need to discussed. When do humans still beat technology and when is it the other way round?

What is Artificial Intelligence for recruiting?

Artificial Intelligence in recruitment is the use of machine learning, which learns and understands to screen and shortlist the right candidates from a large pool of candidates. Meaning that manual, repetitive and high-volume tasks can be automated in order to save time and increase the quality of hire.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence tools

  • Saving time
    One of the main advantages of using AI is the significant reduction of time spent on manually screening resumes. Every recruiter or HR professional can confirm that the hiring volume has increased significantly over the last years. Therefore, it is important that recruiters get more efficient by „doing more with less“. Screening a high number of resumes in large candidate pools is time-consuming and leads to the result that many applicants are not relevant or unqualified for the position. AI for recruiting therefore offers an opportunity to increase efficiency by automating the screening of resumes or even the scheduling of interviews with applicants. Furthermore, this time reduction enables to improve the time-to-hire, meaning that recruiters are less likely to lose interesting applicants to faster and more efficient competitors. Important here is, that the AI tools is integrated in the current Applicant Tracking System in order to ensure a smooth process and workflow.
  • Improvement of the quality of hire
    The quality of hire is very important in order to match the candidates expectations and skills with the job requirements. The use of AI tools improves the quality of hire, as the collection of data ensures the standardization of matching between candidates’ experience, knowledge, skills and the requirements of the job. Provided that profiles must be clearly selected according to competencies and not according to potentials. This in the long end, leads to happier and more productive employees and lower turnover rates.

Challenges of AI

  • Requirement of data
    AI tools that use machine learning in order to screen resumes need a lot of data in order to learn how to screen the resumes as accurately like a human would. In general, it can be said, that AI tools need in the beginning a lot of data to ensure high quality results that mimic human intelligence.
  • Human biases
    When screening resumes humans can fall into the trap of human biases (age, gender, race, etc.). One would think that AI tools are immune to these human faults and reduce unconscious biases. But AI tools are designed and trained to mimic human behaviours and to find patterns in our human behaviours. Meaning, that AI tools can learn and use these biases when they are developed without due diligence. Therefore, AI tools need to be designed and continually monitored for any biases.
  • Scepticism
    Recruiters are often faced with new technologies and tools that promise to improve their work processes. Therefore, HR professionals may be sceptical in the beginning as they think that no tool or software can automate their tasks and do their job as good as they do. Meaning, the acceptance of AI tools in recruitment teams can be challenging in the beginning.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence Recruiting Tools

  • Screening software
    Intelligent screening software enables the automation of resume screening and ranks, grades and shortlists candidates based on their skills, experiences, etc. This intelligent software can also enrich existing candidate information by consulting public information and social media profiles.
  • Recruiter chatbots
    Recruiter chatbots can be used in order to provide 24/7 real-time interactions with candidates. These chatbots can improve the candidate experience by giving frequent updates throughout the application process, next-step suggestions and even by giving the candidate feedback.
  • Digitized interviews
    AI tools nowadays can analyse the speech patterns, word choices and facial expressions of candidates and determine the fit of the candidate for the position and even the fit concerning corporate culture.

In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence tools can increase the efficiency and effectiveness in recruiting. AI can automate many time-consuming tasks, nevertheless, used alone it is no panacea. AI Tools may ignore human idiosyncrasies of cultural fit or may overlook candidates that are qualified but that have underachieving CV’s. Also in case of Management positions where personnel and professional competences are combined, AI quickly has its limits.

Nevertheless, it is important to develop a talent acquisition strategy that combines these new AI technologies with the skills and expertise of human professionals.

Article written by Bianca Altendorfer, MSc, CFR Global Executive Search Austria
Photo source: Pexels

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Igualdad de género en cargos gerenciales y de alto nivel en México

Igualdad de género en cargos gerenciales y de alto nivel en México

México continúa trabajando arduamente para lograr una mayor igualdad en términos de género en el plano laboral, pero el llamado “Techo de Cristal” continúa siendo un gran obstáculo.

De a poco, la sociedad occidental logra derribar distintos estigmas o prejuicios relacionados al género. Sin embargo, siguen existiendo algunas grietas o muestras de desigualdad en la sociedad mexicana. Uno de los ámbitos en los que esta brecha se hace notoria es en los puestos gerenciales. No muchas mujeres acceden a cargos de altos mandos.

En México, aún es posible notar que existe una gran desigualdad en cuanto al número de cargos ejecutivos de alto nivel que son ocupados por hombres con relación a cuántos puestos gerenciales son ocupados por mujeres.

Continúa la desigualdad

Según el informe Women in Business 2020 de Grant Thornton, publicado en el año 2020, solo el 16% de las mujeres ocupó ese año algún tipo de cargo directivo de alta jerarquía en México.

Esto deja en evidencia que, a pesar de las leyes laborales y proyectos de inclusión, el llamado “techo de cristal” sigue existiendo.

Hay avances

La red social de búsqueda de empleo, Linkedin también publicó un estudio similar en el año 2019, que, si bien no dista de los datos arrojados por el estudio antes mencionado, añade datos que resultan alentadores de cara al futuro.

En cuanto al porcentaje de mujeres que llegan al puesto de CEO, el estudio en el campo laboral mexicano arroja un 17%, cifra similar al estudio de Women in Business.

No obstante, añade que esta brecha desaparece en otros campos laborales, como por ejemplo en el área Recursos Humanos, donde las mujeres ocupan el 57% del espectro.

Los resultados muestran también distancias más cortas en cargos como dirección de finanzas con 48%, dirección de comunicación con 46% y dirección de marketing con 42%.

Para este estudio se tomaron en cuenta las respuestas de 515 mujeres y 507 hombres del campo laboral mexicano, siendo trabajadores de distintas áreas con al menos un año de experiencia.

Linkedin dejó en evidencia que los equipos que son manejados principalmente por mujeres cuentan con mayor eficiencia y capacidad de administración; la comunicación con los colaboradores también suele tener una mejoría notable en los grupos con un liderazgo femenino.

Esta es quizá una gran muestra de que, en lugar de cuestionar las diferencias, estas pueden ser usadas en favor de los trabajadores para alcanzar objetivos. Las aptitudes y destrezas de cada género pueden ser adaptadas a distintos tipos de trabajo en favor de lo que mejor convenga.


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To headhunt, to be headhunted or TO STAY?

To headhunt, to be headhunted or TO STAY?

The lack of talent and especially top talent in various fields is a reality in all markets. Therefore, my job is to help detect and attract top talent for progressively minded top companies. I love to participate as “the bridge”.  I found my very own “Simon Sinek’s WHY” decades ago when I started out in this profession. Luckily, as an HR developer, I also contribute to people and organisational development skills – people grow and are not necessarily constantly switching jobs in order to develop their experience. In other words, in my opinion, we – as headhunters – indirectly contribute to the mission of companies to invest in their people as well as in the development of their own healthy business in order to retain their employees, happy and motivated.

I am also a GM of my own company and my employees were headhunted to join us when they first came onboard. Do you know the feeling? What can a company do? It all starts and ends with leaders and leadership. In my opinion, every employee is responsible for his/her own satisfaction at work however there is a tremendous potential for excellent leaders to influence employees’ motivation. Research conducted by world renowned consulting companies as well as our own carried out in the past, shows that the majority of people would change their jobs in the case of a bad relationship with their boss. So often the two way “I care for you” moment in the relationship with the superior is not there. This then provides an easy target for a headhunter. But companies have changed, many have improved through conscious leadership programs, chief happiness officers and transparency; these are all brining results. Most of the people I interview, especially in IT, claim to have great relationships with their boss and colleagues.

But leaders influence all the three corners of the employee’s motivation: the relationship, the package (salary, title, location) and the job itself. Where leaders can really improve is in the area of assigning the right jobs to the right people in order to seriously shape the task and challenge around the person.  This is not as easy as it seems. We have a job description don’t we, we have an employee who performs the job but the motivation of each individual is different. The “Why” of two people executing the same job is different. If you are a leader, you need to know which button to press, is it the task itself which the employee is particularly interested in?  Or does he/she like the feeling that comes from bringing a financial result for the company or themselves… Some people simply love the sound of money no matter if its theirs or the company’s; as research shows it has nothing to do with the hierarchy. Or is it the third motivational element namely: image/the chance to be seen by others to make an impact. Skilled leaders make employees aware of what specific tailormade “candy challenge” the job brings and why they have assigned it especially to him/her. They act as a lighthouse and clearly indicate next year’s challenges both for the company and specific employee. If you don’t do so, remember that as headhunters, most of the time we are successful in selling challenges and interesting assignments to candidates. Many times, people are not aware of what interesting assignments they could have in their own organisations.

Ensuring that people stay, are engaged and happy, means that top management, the leaders, constantly care about 3 dimensions: it (what is to be achieved here and company purpose), we (the relationship and company culture) and I (the leader’s own motivation and ability to be followed).

As headhunters, we force global leaders to be better. Consciously and sustainably. People, product, profit, and planet concept. And I love being the bridge. The “Triple Bridge” is one of the main tourist attractions in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, my home country.

Author: Petra Treven BernatCFR Global Executive Search Slovenia
Photo source: Pixabay

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Desafíos para las empresas con la Ley de Outsourcing 2021 en México

Desafíos para las empresas con la Ley de Outsourcing 2021 en México

La nueva Ley de Outsourcing en México supone múltiples cambios tanto para trabajadores como para empleadores. Estas nuevas políticas laborales generan grandes desafíos para las empresas.

Las leyes laborales están diseñadas para evitar la explotación y las vulneraciones a los derechos de los trabajadores. La Ley de Outsourcing no es la excepción. Esta nueva legislación evita principalmente la subcontratación, pero su aplicación supone enormes desafíos para las grandes empresas en México.

La ley aprobada el pasado mes de abril tiene como principal meta limitar los abusos laborales, ya que ciertas empresas lograban la evasión en el reparto de utilidades y de impuestos por medio de la subcontratación.

De este modo, solo queda habilitada la subcontratación de servicios especiales bajo un régimen específico. Las empresas que ofrezcan este tipo de servicios deben estar registradas en el REPSE (Registro de Prestadoras de Servicios Especializados u Obras Especializadas).

Ahora, más allá de ser una medida pensada para el bienestar y la protección de los trabajadores, supone un cambio importante para las empresas, a las que se les presentarán nuevos desafíos

¿Qué cambios vienen para las empresas?

Con la prohibición de la subcontratación, quizá el cambio más importante que tendrán las empresas es el aumento de los costos operativos. Esto puede afectar principalmente a las PYMES, que deberán afrontar una dura situación para subsistir.

Además de esto, en caso de que las empresas opten por subcontratar algún servicio especializado, deberán ser muy precavidas al presentarlo ante las autoridades, pues cualquier error administrativo puede acabar con un daño enorme para ellas.

En caso de que se cometa una infracción a esta nueva Ley de Outsourcing las multas por pagar son sumamente altas, ya que se equiparan al fraude fiscal. Los castigos económicos pueden ser de entre los 173 mil a 4 millones de pesos, prohibiendo además la deducción de impuestos.

Claudia Gutiérrez, directora Jurídica de Grupo Adecco México, hizo un llamado a todas las pequeñas y medianas empresas del país a tomar conciencia de lo que suponen estos cambios en la normativa, ya que incurrir en una falta, podría forzar a la quiebra de una compañía.

Así mismo, Atzayacatl Peñaloza, director Regional de Mercer, reveló que las empresas ya han notado un fuerte impacto económico a raíz de la nueva ley. Esto se debe a que el 84% de la fuerza laboral que estaba en outsourcing ya se ha integrado a las compañías.

La doble cara de la ley

A pesar de los duros desafíos que trae para las empresas, el valor del empleado se ha acrecentado gracias a esta medida. No obstante, las consecuencias económicas pueden llegar a ser enormes. El verdadero impacto se podrá ver una vez que las empresas operen bajo estas nuevas normativas.

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